New data on the genus Dzieduszyckia Siemiradzki, 1909 (Brachiopoda)
Gertruda Biernat
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 12 (2), 1967: 133-155
The Upper Devonian genus Dzieduszyckia Siemiradzki is revised. On the base of a detailed study of the specimens from the newly discovered locality Ruda Strawczynska (vicinity of Kielce) the systematic range of this genus is changed; it is removed from spiriferoids family Athyrisinidae Grabau, 1931, and assigned to rhynchonelloids. The familial assignment of the genus Dzieduszyckia Siemiradzki remains uncertain until a revision of the Moroccan and Russian species of this genus is completed. Dzieduszyckia kielcensis (F. Roemer) is redescribed.
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