Acta Palaeontologica Polonica

The Albian, Cenomanian and Turonian foraminifers of Poland and their stratigraphic importance

Eugenia Gawor-Biedowa

Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 17 (1), 1972: 3-166

Foraminifers from the Upper Albian, Cenomanian and Turonian deposits, found in 16 boreholes of the Szczecin, Mogilno and Lódź Troughs and of the fore Sudetic monocline (North-West and Central Poland) have been studied by the author. Here are described 100 species, including the following seven new ones: Verneuilinoides gorzowiensis n.sp., Quinqueloculina kozlowskii n.sp., Globorotalites polonica n.sp., Anomalina gorzowiensis n.sp., Lingulogavelinella pazdroae n.sp., Gavelinella (Berthelinia) lodziensis n.sp., and Gavelinella (Gavelinella) varsoviensis n.sp. The subspecies Lingulogavelinella asterigerinoides arachnoidea n.subsp. has also been erected. Studies on all representatives of the family Anomalinidae Cushman, 1927 has allowed the writer to extend the knowledge of the microstructure of their wall, of the alternation of generations and of the position of proloculus in the test. The results of these studies contributed to, among other things, an accurate determination of the sides of test. Almost all the species of planktonic foraminifers found have been elaborated by studying the relationships of the area discussed to the Mediterranean belt. They permitted also to establish a fine stratigraphy of the Cenomanian deposits. The agglutinated foraminifers enabled the determination of the age of the beds in which the calcareous foraminifers either do not occur at all, or are very rare. Comparisons have also been conducted between the assemblages of foraminifers of Poland under study and other assemblages cited from France, north-western Germany and the platformic part of the U.S.S.R. Lithological characteristics of this area have been presented, with particular attention paid to the dependence of the occurrence of foraminifers on the type of deposits.

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