Acta Palaeontologica Polonica

The sequence of graptolite faunas in the Ordovician of the Shelve Inlier, Welsh Borderland

Isles Strachan

Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 26 (1), 1981: 19-26

The Shelve Inlier exposes a sequence of beds from Arenig to Caradoc with a mixed fauna of brachiopods, trilobites and graptolites. This allows correlation between the zonal schemes set up for the purely graptolitic facies and the brachiopod-trilobite faunas. There are about 70 species of graptoloids present and, at one horizon, numerous dendroids which still await critical examination. Some of the faunas show restriction to particular lithologies and the reason for this
is discussed. Correlation with other areas of graptolitic development in Britain and elsewhere is attempted.

Key words: Graptolites, Ordovician, Great Britain, correlation, graptolite and shelly faunas.

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