Multituberculate mammals from the Cretaceous of Uzbekistan
Zofia Kielan- Jaworowska and Lev A. Nessov
The first western Asian multituberculates found in the Bissekty Formation (Coniacian) of Uzbekistan are described on the basis of a lower premolar (p4), a fragment of a lower incisor, an edentulous dentary, a proximal part of the humerus and a proximal part of the femur. Uzbekbaatar kizylkumensis gen. et sp. n. is defined as having a low and arcuate p4. possibly without a posterobuccal cusp; it presumably had two lower premolars, as inferred from the presence of a triangular concavity at the upper part of the anterior wall of p4, and p3 less reduced in relation to p4 than in non-specialized Taeniolabidoidea and Ptilodontoidea. Uzbekbaatar is placed in the Cimolodonta without indicating family and infraorder. It might have originated from the Plagiaulacinae or Eobaatarinae.
Key words: Multituberculata, Marnmalia, Cretaceous, Coniacian, Uzbekistan
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